Wondering how to get water out of your front camera? This information is for you

If you accidentally drop your phone while taking a beach selfie or if your toddler throws it into the toilet, water in front camera iphone can make it look blurry and unfocused.

The front camera is a very useful feature for your smartphones and tablets. which helps you capture memories and save them for life. HOW TO GET WATER OUT OF YOUR FRONT CAMERA Have you ever dropped your phone into the water? In this article, I will guide you if you drop your phone in the water.

While standalone cameras face forward, away from the phone operator, similar mobile devices typically have a camera facing the operator to allow taking a self-portrait photograph or making a video while looking at the display of the smartphone screen, which typically shows a live preview of the photo, These are called phones’ front cameras.
When your phone falls into the water, you feel very sad.

How To Tell if Water in Front Camera

So, your favorite device had a quick encounter with water. Let’s check if the water in the iPhone camera is dealing with water damage.

  1. iPhone front camera foggy inside: If your camera lens looks foggy, it’s not your eyes playing tricks on you or some Instagram filter magic—it’s moisture.

  2. Unresponsive Screen: If your iPhone screen is acting jittery, unresponsive, or just plain weird, it might be due to water making its way inside.

  3. Muffled Sound: If your music starts sounding like it’s playing from a tin can or your calls resemble deep-sea communications, it’s a sign to investigate.

Water Spots vs. Internal Moisture

  • Water Spots: These are droplets on the outside of your camera lens, and a quick wipe usually removes them.

  • Internal Moisture: If you’ve wiped your phone, and there’s still a cloud inside your camera or screen, there’s moisture hiding within. In this case, you’ll need to try one of the methods below.

The presence of condensation on the lenses of mobile phone cameras indicates that moisture has penetrated the protective exterior. It is possible to remove moisture from the lens, and this should be done as soon as possible to avoid further damage. In an ideal situation, the condensation is limited to the camera’s exterior, in which case the solution is straightforward and the camera will return to normal after a quick cleaning. However, in the case of penetration, the interior condensation will necessitate some manipulation to be removed. The overall functionality of an iPhone camera or an Android camera must keep water out of the camera’s and the phone’s memory.

What To Do Immediately if You Get Water in iPhone Camera

How to get water out of your front camera.
Photo by Sergey Meshkov:

So if your camera phone was dropped in water, then there is a big chance that more than just the camera was affected. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to what you should do immediately if you find that moisture or water is affecting your front camera lens:

  1. Turn Off the Device: First things first, switch off your iPhone. This helps avoid electrical problems that can harm the inside of your phone.

  2. Wipe Away Visible Water: Use a soft cloth to gently dab and wipe any visible water. Be careful not to press too hard, as it might push water deeper into the phone.

  3. Keep the Phone Upright: Stand your iPhone upright to stop water from going deeper or reaching sensitive areas.

  4. Avoid Using Heat: It might be tempting to use hairdryers or heat sources to dry your phone quickly, but this can damage it. Strong heat can bend parts, melt glues, and trap moisture in places where it should evaporate.

  5. Resist the Urge to Shake Your Phone: Shaking your iPhone can move water to undamaged parts, spreading the risk. Instead, keep the phone still and upright.

  6. Remove the SIM Card and Case: Take off any protective case and, using a paperclip or SIM card tool, gently take out the SIM card tray. Leave it out to let moisture escape and allow better air circulation.

  7. Place the iPhone in a Dry Environment: Put your iPhone in a dry, well-ventilated spot. This helps the water evaporate. Avoid direct sunlight because it can make the phone too hot.

  8. Avoid Charging: Don’t try to charge your iPhone until you’re sure all moisture is gone. Charging a wet phone makes it more likely to have electrical problems.


How To Get Water Out of Front Camera: Useful Methods


If there’s moisture trapped in your iPhone, you’ve got a few potential fixes. Depending on your phone model and the amount of moisture, you might need to experiment with more than one solution.

Method Dry phone with silica gel

How to use silica gel to dry phone

Drying your phone with silica gel is a smart way to fix it when it gets wet. Silica gel is those little packets you find in shoeboxes and stuff. They’re like small helpers that really like to soak up moisture. Here’s how to dry your phone using silica gel:

Step 1: Stay Safe First things first, make sure your phone is turned off. If it’s an iPhone, take out the SIM card too.

Step 2: Wipe Away Water Use a soft cloth to gently wipe away any water you can see on your phone. This helps get rid of the wetness on the outside.

Step 3: Get a Bag or Container Find a plastic bag that you can seal or a container that closes tight. For a regular-sized phone, you’ll need around 5-10 silica gel packets. If you don’t have that many, use as many as you can find.

Step 4: Set Up the Silica Gel Put a few silica gel packets at the bottom of the bag or container. Then, place your phone on top of them. Cover your phone with more silica gel packets.

Step 5: Seal it Tight Close the bag or container really well. This keeps the silica gel doing its job of soaking up all the moisture around your phone.

How long to leave phone in silica gel?

Step 6: Give it Time Let your phone hang out with the silica gel for at least 24-48 hours. The longer, the better. This gives the silica gel enough time to do its magic and pull out all the wetness from your phone.

Step 7: Check on Your Phone After waiting, take your phone out. Shake off any silica gel bits that might be in the ports or tiny spaces.

Step 8: Turn it On Once you’re sure there’s no more water and the silica gel is gone, turn your phone back on.

Step 9: Keep an Eye Out Watch how your phone acts over the next few days. If it’s still acting weird or seems wet, it might be time to ask a pro for help.

Tips and Warnings

  • Silica gel is like a one-time superhero. After it’s soaked up moisture, it’s not as strong, so don’t use it again for drying.
  • Keep those silica gel packets away from pets and kids. They might think it’s a tasty snack, but it’s definitely not!

Drying your phone with silica gel is a cool trick, but remember, every phone is different. If things aren’t getting better or if you’re not sure what to do, it’s okay to ask someone who knows a lot about phones for help. They’re like phone doctors and can fix things up for you, consider trying Dry phone with Rice method instead.

Dry phone with Rice to Suck Water in iPhone Camera

How to get water out of phone with rice

  1. Power Down and Disconnect: First things first, turn off your device. If it’s an iPhone, take out the SIM card and eject the SIM tray.

  2. Give It a Gentle Wipe: Use a soft cloth to wipe down the outside of your device, removing any visible droplets or moisture.

  3. Bag or Bowl it Up: Grab a big sealable plastic bag or a bowl. Fill it halfway with regular, uncooked rice – not the quick-cook kind. The rice acts like a magnet for moisture.

  4. Nestle Your Device: Gently place your device deep into the rice, making sure it’s completely surrounded. If using a bag, push out as much air as possible before sealing. If using a bowl, cover it with a cloth or lid, leaving space for air circulation.

  5. The Waiting Game: Let your device chill in the rice for at least 24-48 hours. The longer, the better. This gives the rice enough time to pull out the moisture. Be patient!

  6. Check On It: After waiting, carefully take your device out of the rice. Shake out any rice grains that might’ve snuck into ports or crevices.

  7. Power Up: Once you’re sure there’s no visible moisture and no rice grains stuck anywhere, turn your device back on.

  8. Keep an Eye Out: Keep an eye on your device for the next few days. If there are issues, glitches, or you spot any leftover moisture, it might be time to get professional help.

Note about the Rice Method: While the rice method is handy, be cautious. Rice grains or dust can get into your phone’s ports, so be careful. If that worries you, consider trying method 3 instead.

ALSO READ: Is it too Late to Put my Phone in Rice

ALSO READ: How to dry out a phone without rice 

Take the iPhone Apart

Taking apart your iPhone to fix water damage is not an easy task, but if you’re confident in your tech skills and want to take action, this guide might help.

Before you start:

  1. Warranty: Opening your phone may void the warranty. Check if your device is still under warranty and consult the manufacturer or an authorized service provider first.
  2. Risks: There’s a chance you could cause more harm than good. Small parts can be damaged or lost during the process.
  3. Tools: You’ll need special tools like tiny screwdrivers and spudgers to open up an iPhone, as they have unique screws.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Turn off your iPhone completely.
  2. Set up a clean, well-lit workspace. Use a white cloth or paper to see and organize small screws and parts.
  3. Remove the screws near the charging port with a specialized screwdriver and keep them safe.
  4. Carefully open the iPhone using a plastic spudger or suction handle.
  5. Disconnect the battery to minimize the risk of short-circuiting components.
  6. Inspect for moisture and use a lint-free cloth to dab away visible droplets. Leave the phone open in a dry place for several hours if there’s extensive moisture.
  7. After ensuring the internals are dry, reassemble the phone in reverse order. Make sure all parts go back where they belong and connectors snap into place.


  • Be gentle to avoid permanent damage.
  • Take photos at each disassembly stage for reference.
  • If unsure, seek professional help.

While disassembling your phone is a direct approach, it comes with risks and is best for those familiar with electronics or with a daring DIY spirit.

Water in phone air it out iphone

This statement is advising you on a method to address water exposure in your iPhone. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Remove Water:

    • The goal is to get rid of any water that may have entered your iPhone, which can potentially damage its internal components.
  2. Dry Location:

    • Place your iPhone in an area that is dry, meaning there is no moisture or humidity in the air. This helps facilitate the evaporation of water from both the external and internal parts of the device.
  3. Well-Ventilated:

    • Ensure that the chosen location has good ventilation, meaning there is a flow of air. Ventilation aids in speeding up the drying process by allowing moisture to disperse into the air.
  4. Time Frame – 24-48 Hours:

    • Leave your iPhone in this dry and well-ventilated location for a period of 24 to 48 hours. This extended timeframe allows for thorough drying and reduces the risk of any residual moisture causing damage.

The idea behind this method is to let time and the surrounding conditions work together to evaporate and remove the water from your iPhone, hopefully restoring it to normal functioning. Keep in mind that this approach may not guarantee success in all cases, especially if the water damage is extensive. If issues persist, seeking professional assistance is recommended.

Put in Sunlight


How to get water out phone put in sunlight iPhone

This statement suggests a method for addressing water damage in a phone:

  1. Water Damage:

    • Implies that the phone has been exposed to water, which can potentially cause harm to its internal components.
  2. Put in Sunlight:

    • Recommends placing the phone in direct sunlight. The intention here is to use the heat and warmth from the sun to aid in the evaporation of the water within the device.

It’s important to note a couple of considerations:

  • Potential Risks:

    • Direct sunlight may introduce heat, and excessive heat can be harmful to electronic devices. It’s crucial to avoid prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures.
  • Not a Guaranteed Fix:

    • While sunlight may help with the evaporation process, it does not guarantee the restoration of the phone, especially if the water damage is severe.

If your phone has been exposed to water, it’s generally safer to use methods that focus on removing the water gently, such as air-drying in a well-ventilated area, rather than exposing it to direct sunlight, which can carry its own set of risks. If problems persist, seeking professional assistance is recommended.

Visit a Phone Repair Shop or Apple Store

This statement suggests a solution for a phone that has water damage:

  1. Water in Phone:

    • It indicates that the phone has been exposed to water, which can lead to potential issues and damage.
  2. Visit a Phone Repair Shop:

    • Recommends taking the phone to a professional phone repair shop. The implication is that experts at the repair shop may have the necessary skills, tools, and knowledge to assess and address the water damage.


  • Professional Assessment:

    • Phone repair shops often have experienced technicians who can examine the extent of the water damage and determine the best course of action.
  • Specialized Equipment:

    • Repair shops may have access to specialized tools and equipment that can be used to diagnose and fix water-related issues more effectively than at-home methods.
  • Prevention of Further Damage:

    • Seeking professional help can minimize the risk of further damage, especially if the water exposure has already occurred.

While this approach can be more reliable than DIY methods, it’s important to choose a reputable repair shop. Additionally, the success of repairs may depend on the severity of the water damage. If you’re uncertain about how to handle water damage on your own, or if the damage is extensive, visiting a phone repair shop is a prudent choice.

How to avoid phone from water iphone

If you want to make sure your iPhone stays safe and sound, it’s a good idea to take some simple steps to avoid water damage. Water and electronic gadgets like iPhones don’t usually get along well, so preventing water damage can save you from a lot of trouble.

1. Keep it away from water sources:

  • The most straightforward way to avoid water damage is to keep your iPhone away from water in the first place. Be cautious near sinks, toilets, pools, and other water sources. If you’re out and about, try not to use your phone in the rain.

2. Use a Protective Case:

  • Think of a protective case as a superhero outfit for your iPhone. It shields it from accidental spills, raindrops, and other water trouble. Make sure the case covers all sides, especially the ports and buttons. A good case is like a raincoat for your phone!

3. Be Mindful in Kitchens and Bathrooms:

  • Kitchens and bathrooms are water-heavy zones. When you’re cooking or doing bathroom things, be extra careful with your phone. Try to keep it in a safe place, away from water splashes. Accidents happen, but a little mindfulness can go a long way.

4. Avoid Texting in the Rain:

  • Rain and iPhones don’t mix well. If it’s pouring outside, it’s better to keep your phone tucked safely in your pocket or bag. Texting in the rain might sound adventurous, but it’s a risky adventure for your phone.

5. Secure Your Phone at the Pool:

  • Pools are cool, but not for your iPhone! Keep your phone away from the pool’s edge. Accidental dips in the water can happen, and chlorine-filled water is no friend to your tech buddy. A waterproof case can be a lifesaver if you want to bring your phone poolside.

6. Close Lids and Caps:

  • When you have drinks or water bottles around, make sure they have lids. Accidental spills are more likely to happen if lids are missing. Also, remember to close caps tightly to avoid any surprise liquid encounters.

7. Keep It in a Safe Spot:

  • When you’re not using your iPhone, find a safe spot for it. It could be a designated pocket, a secure compartment in your bag, or a phone holder. The fewer chances it has to meet water unexpectedly, the better.

8. Regularly Check Your Phone’s Seals:

  • iPhones have tiny seals that help keep water out. These are around the edges and in important places like charging ports. Regularly check these seals for any signs of wear or damage. If they look worn out, it might be time to replace them.

9. Don’t Forget the Weather:

  • Keep an eye on the weather forecast. If rain or snow is on the horizon, take extra precautions. Maybe leave your iPhone at home or keep it in a waterproof pouch. Knowing the weather can help you plan ahead and keep your phone dry.

10. Educate Friends and Family:

  • Sometimes, accidents happen because of others. Educate your friends and family about the importance of keeping your iPhone away from water. A little awareness can prevent accidental spills and keep your phone safe.

In a nutshell, keeping your iPhone safe from water is all about being mindful and taking some simple precautions. Treat your iPhone like a friend that doesn’t like to get wet, and you’ll likely have a long and happy tech relationship!

How to use silica gel to dry phone samsung?

Water in Front Camera Samsung

If you find yourself in a situation where your Samsung phone has taken an unexpected swim or encountered excessive moisture, using silica gel can be a handy and effective way to dry it out. Silica gel is those little desiccant packets often found in shoeboxes or new electronic gadgets. Here’s a simple guide on how to use silica gel to dry your Samsung phone and hopefully bring it back to life.

Understanding Silica Gel:

  • Silica gel is a drying agent known for its ability to absorb moisture. It comes in small, bead-like packets and is commonly used to keep things dry during shipping or storage. The gel absorbs water vapor, making it a practical tool for drying out electronic devices like smartphones.

Step 1: Act Quickly

  • Time is of the essence when your Samsung phone has encountered moisture. The faster you act, the better the chances of preventing potential damage. Power off your phone immediately and remove any accessories, such as the case, SIM card, and memory card.

Step 2: Pat Dry with a Towel

  • Gently pat your Samsung phone with a dry towel to remove any surface water. Be cautious not to rub the phone vigorously, as this can spread the moisture further.

Step 3: Remove the Battery (if possible)

  • If your Samsung phone has a removable battery, take it out. This helps minimize the risk of short-circuiting and allows for better airflow during the drying process.

Step 4: Submerge in Silica Gel

  • Place your Samsung phone in a container filled with silica gel packets. Ensure the phone is completely covered, and if possible, open any ports or flaps to allow the gel to reach inside. Silica gel works by drawing moisture away from the device.

Step 5: Seal the Container

  • Seal the container with the Samsung phone and silica gel tightly. This creates a controlled environment, enhancing the efficiency of the drying process. Leave the phone in the container for at least 24-48 hours. Patience is key during this crucial drying period.

Step 6: Check for Moisture

  • After the designated time has passed, carefully remove your Samsung phone from the silica gel. Check for any remaining signs of moisture, especially in hard-to-reach areas. If there are still visible signs of moisture, you may need to repeat the process.

Step 7: Power On with Caution

  • Once you are confident that the phone is dry, insert the battery (if applicable) and power it on. Monitor the phone for any unusual behavior. If it powers on without issues, congratulations – the silica gel has done its job!

Additional Tips:

  • Keep silica gel packets in your phone case to absorb moisture in everyday situations.
  • Don’t use heat sources like a hairdryer or oven to dry your Samsung phone, as excessive heat can cause damage.

Using silica gel to dry your Samsung phone is a cost-effective and practical method that has proven effective for many users. However, it’s essential to remember that severe water damage may require professional assistance. If your phone continues to exhibit problems after using silica gel, it’s advisable to seek help from a Samsung service center or a qualified technician.

iphone Front Camera foggy from water

If your iPhone’s front camera is foggy due to water exposure, promptly power off the device, avoid camera usage, and gently wipe the lens with a dry cloth. Allow the iPhone to air dry in a well-ventilated area, or use silica gel/rice for moisture absorption. Avoid direct sunlight during drying. After 24-48 hours, check camera functionality. If issues persist, consider seeking professional assistance or contacting Apple Support for guidance. Avoid DIY disassembly, especially if the device is under warranty.

iPhone 11 Camera Foggy from Water:

If your iPhone 11 camera is experiencing fogging due to water exposure, it’s essential to act promptly to prevent potential damage. Follow careful steps such as powering off the device, gentle lens wiping, and air-drying to restore optimal camera functionality.

Water in Front Camera Reddit:

Discover solutions and insights shared by the Reddit community if you find water in your front camera. Reddit can be a valuable platform for crowdsourced advice and experiences related to similar issues.

iPhone Front Camera Foggy Inside:

Address the challenge of an internally foggy iPhone front camera with meticulous steps such as swift power-off, delicate lens wiping, and allowing for thorough air-drying. These measures can help eliminate moisture and restore camera clarity.

iPhone 12 Camera Foggy from Water:

If your iPhone 12 camera is foggy due to water exposure, take immediate action by turning off the device and employing careful drying methods. Prevent potential damage by avoiding further camera usage until the issue is resolved.

iPhone 14 Camera Foggy from Water:

Stay ahead of potential water damage to your iPhone 14 camera by following proactive steps. Swift power-off, delicate lens wiping, and thorough air-drying can be instrumental in addressing a foggy camera caused by water exposure.

How to Get Rid of Moisture in Phone iPhone:

Explore effective methods to eliminate moisture from your iPhone. Follow a comprehensive guide, including swift power-off, gentle drying techniques, and other recommended steps to restore your iPhone’s optimal functionality.

How to Get Rid of Moisture in Phone Android:

Discover practical approaches to remove moisture from your Android phone. Learn about effective drying methods and precautions to safeguard your Android device from potential damage caused by moisture.

How to Get Water Out of Front Camera Samsung:

If your Samsung phone’s front camera has encountered water, take swift action by turning off the device and utilizing careful drying methods. Explore specific steps to ensure optimal camera functionality.

Samsung Moisture Detected Won’t Go Away:

Address the persistent issue of “Moisture Detected” on your Samsung phone. Explore solutions to resolve this problem, ensuring that your device functions properly without continual alerts related to moisture detection.


How to Get Water Out of Your Face Camera:

Explore effective methods to remove water from your phone’s front-facing camera. Swift action and careful drying techniques can help restore the camera’s functionality.

What to Do When Water Gets Into the Front Camera:

Discover proactive steps to take when water infiltrates your front camera. Follow a set of guidelines to prevent potential damage and restore optimal camera performance.

How to Get Water Vapor Out of My iPhone Front Camera:

Address the issue of water vapor in your iPhone’s front camera with specific steps. Learn how to eliminate moisture and prevent potential damage to your device.

Will Moisture in Camera Go Away?:

Explore whether moisture in your camera can naturally dissipate. Understand the factors influencing the evaporation of moisture and take necessary actions for effective resolution.

How Can I Dry Out My Camera:

Learn various techniques to dry out your camera effectively. Whether it’s due to water exposure or moisture, following specific drying methods can help restore your camera’s functionality.

How Do I Defog My Phone Camera:

Discover practical approaches to defogging your phone camera. From gentle wiping techniques to careful drying, learn how to address a foggy camera for clearer photos.

Does Putting Phone in Rice Work?:

Explore the effectiveness of the common practice of placing a phone in rice to address water damage. Learn about alternative methods and considerations for drying out your device.

Can Water Damage Affect Your Camera:

Understand the potential impact of water damage on your phone’s camera. Learn about preventative measures and effective actions to take if water exposure occurs.

Why Is My Front Camera Foggy Inside:

Investigate the reasons behind an internally foggy front camera. Follow specific steps, such as swift power-off and gentle drying, to eliminate moisture and restore clarity.

How to Get Water Out of Your Phone:

Learn comprehensive methods to remove water from your phone. From powering off the device to utilizing drying agents, explore effective ways to address water exposure.

How Do I Clean My Camera:

Discover proper techniques for cleaning your camera. Whether it’s water spots or dirt affecting your lens, follow specific guidelines to maintain a clear and functional camera.

How Do I Get Moisture Out of My iPhone:

Address the presence of moisture in your iPhone with effective methods. Explore steps to eliminate moisture and prevent potential damage to your device.

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