Hey there, iPhone users! We’ve all been there – that heart-stopping moment when your precious iPhone takes an unexpected dive into water. Panic sets in as you fish it out, hoping against hope that it’s still working. But what if your front camera seems to be swimming in H2O? Fear not! In this guide, we’ll walk you through some simple and easy steps to rescue your iPhone’s front camera from a watery fate.


Can water damage iphone camera?

Yes, water can damage the iPhone camera. Water exposure may lead to moisture entering the camera lens and internal components, affecting its functionality. It’s essential to take immediate steps to address water damage to prevent long-term issues.

iPhone 12 camera foggy from water

Understanding the Panic:

First things first, take a deep breath. We get it; water and electronics aren’t the best of friends. However, before you succumb to despair, know that there’s hope. iPhones, like all modern gadgets, have some resistance to water. But when water finds a way in, it can mess with the delicate components, including the front camera.

Step 1: Power Off and Pat Dry

The instinct might be to check if your iPhone is still working, but resist the urge! The priority is to prevent any potential short circuits. Immediately power off your device, if it hasn’t turned off automatically. Gently pat the iPhone dry with a soft, absorbent cloth, making sure to pay extra attention to the front camera area.

Step 2: Shake Things Up

Now, channel your inner bartender and give your iPhone a gentle shake. The goal is to encourage any lingering water droplets to make a swift exit. Ensure that you’re not too forceful; we’re not making a cocktail here. A light shake should do the trick.

Step 3: The Rice Trick

Ah, the classic rice remedy! While it might sound like a kitchen hack, it’s surprisingly effective. Grab a bowl of dry rice, bury your iPhone in it, and leave it there for at least 24 hours. Rice has a magical ability to absorb moisture, acting like a natural dehumidifier for your device. Just resist the temptation to check on it every five minutes!

Step 4: Silica Gel Sachets

If you have any silica gel packets lying around (the ones that often come in new shoes or electronic packaging), these can be even more effective than rice. Pop your iPhone into a sealed bag or container with the silica gel packets and let them work their moisture-sucking magic. Again, be patient and leave it untouched for a good 24 hours.

Step 5: Hairdryer on Low Heat

If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, a hairdryer on low heat can help expedite the drying process. Hold it at a safe distance, ensuring it’s not too hot, and gently blow air over your iPhone. Keep a watchful eye and avoid overheating, as this could cause more harm than good.

Step 6: The Waiting Game

Patience is key in this waterlogged journey. After trying the above steps, let your iPhone rest in a dry environment for an extended period. Avoid the temptation to switch it on prematurely – waiting a bit longer ensures that all moisture has bid farewell.

Step 7: Power On and Test

Once you’ve allowed ample time for the drying process, power on your iPhone and check the front camera. If all goes well, you’ll find that your front camera is back in action, capturing selfies and video calls like a champ. If not, it might be time to seek professional help at the Apple Store.


How do I get moisture out of my iPhone front camera?

To remove moisture from your iPhone front camera, power off the device immediately, gently pat it dry with a soft cloth, and leave it in a bowl of dry rice or silica gel for at least 24 hours. Avoid using the phone during this time.

How do you get water out of iPhone camera?

If water has entered your iPhone camera, shake the device gently to encourage water removal, then follow up with the rice or silica gel drying method. Patience is crucial – wait at least 24 hours before attempting to power on your iPhone.

How do you get water out of the front camera lens on your phone?

Wipe the front camera lens carefully with a dry, microfiber cloth. If water persists, follow the rice or silica gel drying method to eliminate moisture from the lens and internal components.

Can a water-damaged iPhone camera be fixed?

In many cases, water-damaged iPhone cameras can be fixed. Try the drying methods mentioned earlier, but if issues persist, seek professional help from an authorized Apple service provider.

How do I fix water in my front camera?

Use the rice or silica gel drying method, shake the device gently, and avoid powering it on until you’re confident all moisture is gone. If problems persist, consult with Apple Support.

Will moisture in the camera go away?

Yes, with proper drying techniques like using rice or silica gel, moisture in the camera can be effectively removed. Be patient and give it sufficient time to dry completely.

How can I dry out my camera?

Place your phone in a bowl of dry rice or silica gel, ensuring it’s fully submerged. Leave it untouched for at least 24 hours to allow these moisture-absorbing agents to dry out the camera.

How do I dry my iPhone?

Power off your iPhone, pat it dry with a soft cloth, and place it in a bowl of dry rice or silica gel for at least 24 hours. Avoid using the device during this period.

How can I fix my foggy camera?

Wipe the camera lens gently with a microfiber cloth. If the fog persists, follow the rice or silica gel drying method to eliminate internal moisture causing the foggy appearance.

Why is my front camera cloudy?

Cloudiness in the front camera may be due to trapped moisture. Follow the drying methods mentioned earlier to clear the internal components and restore clarity.

Why is my iPhone camera foggy?

A foggy iPhone camera is often a result of internal moisture. Use drying methods like rice or silica gel to eliminate the fog caused by trapped water.

How do you clean front camera fog?

Clean front camera fog by wiping the lens with a dry, microfiber cloth. If the fog persists, resort to the drying methods using rice or silica gel.

How do you get moisture out of your phone?

Follow the rice or silica gel drying method to get moisture out of your phone. Power it off, pat it dry, and leave it in a sealed container with the drying agent for at least 24 hours.

How do you get water out of your phone?

Remove water from your phone by shaking it gently, patting it dry with a cloth, and placing it in a bowl of dry rice or silica gel for at least 24 hours.

Does rice fix a wet phone?

Yes, rice can help fix a wet phone. Placing the wet phone in a bowl of dry rice or silica gel can absorb moisture and aid in the drying process.

Are iPhones waterproof?

While newer iPhones have improved water resistance, they are not completely waterproof. It’s essential to avoid prolonged water exposure to prevent potential damage.

Will a phone dry out by itself?

In some cases, a phone may dry out by itself, but it’s recommended to use drying methods like rice or silica gel to expedite the process and prevent potential damage.

How do I dry my phone ASAP?

For a quick drying solution, power off your phone, pat it dry with a cloth, and use a hairdryer on low heat at a safe distance. Additionally, place it in a bowl of dry rice or silica gel for at least a few hours.

How do you fix a phone that fell in water without rice?

If you don’t have rice, use silica gel or another moisture-absorbing material. The key is to power off the phone, pat it dry, and let it sit in a sealed container with the drying agent for at least 24 hours.

Will my phone work again after water damage?

The chances of your phone working again after water damage increase with proper drying methods. Patience is crucial, and if issues persist, seeking professional assistance is advisable.

Dropping your iPhone in water can be a heart-wrenching experience, but with a cool head and the right steps, you can often save it from permanent damage. Remember, time is of the essence – the quicker you act, the better the chances of reviving your front camera. So, the next time your iPhone decides to go for a swim, arm yourself with these easy and practical tips to ensure a happy ending for your beloved gadget. Happy snapping!

How to fix water in iphone troubleshooting tips

  1. Blurred Images or Foggy Lens: If your front camera is displaying blurry images or seems foggy post-water incident, it’s possible that there’s still moisture trapped inside. In this case, carefully wipe the camera lens with a microfiber cloth. If the issue persists, consider using a lens cleaning solution or taking your iPhone to a professional technician.
  2. Unresponsive Touch Screen: Water damage might affect the touch sensitivity of your screen. Ensure that your hands are dry, and gently wipe the screen with a clean cloth. If the issue persists, try restarting your iPhone. If the problem lingers, it’s advisable to contact Apple Support for further assistance.
  3. Speaker and Microphone Concerns: Water can muffle speakers and microphones. To address this, make a test call and check if the sound is clear. If not, gently shake your iPhone to dislodge any water droplets. If the problem persists, consider using a can of compressed air to blow out any remaining water. If issues persist, professional help may be necessary.
  4. Charging Problems: Water damage can disrupt the charging port, causing issues with charging. Ensure the port is completely dry before attempting to charge your iPhone. If the problem persists, try using a different charging cable and adapter. If issues continue, it’s time to consult with Apple Support.
  5. Persistent Issues – Seek Professional Help: If, after following all the above steps, your iPhone’s front camera remains non-functional or if you encounter other persistent issues, it’s crucial to seek professional assistance. Visit an authorized Apple service provider or the Apple Store to get a thorough assessment of the damage and possible solutions.

Service & Support. Apple Stores, Apple Authorized Service Providers

Preventive Measures for Future Accidents:

  1. Invest in a Waterproof Case: To shield your iPhone from accidental water exposure, consider investing in a high-quality waterproof case. These cases provide an extra layer of protection and are especially useful if you’re planning to be near water, whether at the beach or by the pool.
  2. Avoid Using Your iPhone in Wet Conditions: Prevention is often the best solution. Avoid using your iPhone in the rain or while swimming. If you must use it in wet conditions, exercise extreme caution and consider waterproof accessories.
  3. Backup Your Data: Regularly back up your iPhone to iCloud or iTunes. In the unfortunate event of water damage that renders your device irreparable, you’ll at least have your data secured.
  4. Insurance and AppleCare+: Consider purchasing iPhone insurance or AppleCare+ for added peace of mind. While it may not prevent water damage, it can significantly reduce the cost of repairs or even provide a replacement device.

iphone camera foggy from inside

A foggy iPhone camera from the inside is likely due to trapped moisture. To address this issue, gently wipe the camera lens with a dry microfiber cloth. If the fog persists, use drying methods such as placing the phone in rice or silica gel to eliminate internal moisture.



Your iPhone’s front camera is a crucial component for capturing memories and staying connected through video calls. Accidents happen, but with the right steps and a bit of patience, you can often rescue your device from the clutches of water damage. Remember, prevention is key, so take precautions to safeguard your iPhone in the future. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Apple for professional assistance. Here’s to keeping your iPhone dry and your front camera snapping away!



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